Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Grapes Of Wrath Essays (624 words) - Dust Bowl, U.S. Route 66
The Grapes of Wrath If you consider Ma Joad concrete then consider Pa limestone... The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, shows a whole family and their struggles. The grapes of Wrath is modeled after a biblical reference to the Israelites, god?s chosen people. They also left their land, Egypt, and wandered into the desert for many years,searching in vain for a promised land, the land of milk and honey. A lot like the Israelites, many farmers in the middle of the country began migrating to California. The Joads I believe had no choice but to leave the dust bowl to find work. They also had to cross the desert and lost the life of Grandma Joad in the process. During the depression the Joads? farm was foreclosed. Them and all around them were driven from their land. The depression caused all to be extremely poor. If this hadn?t been the case the migrants would have all made it to the west coast a lot easier. The country set itself up during the depression in a way that caused only a vicious circle. The country was in a rut and held itself there. Steinbeck was trying to capture an average depression swept family. In this search he created the Joads. Banks began to foreclose on farms and people became homeless. The losses of everything they owned caused people to have no choice. The only way was to leave. They were driven from their land. A difficult struggle lied ahead for the people. They left with everything they owned. There was so little, they strapped it onto, usually to a rundown old pick-up truck. With Steinbeck trying to show the real life issues intermitanly introduced all the political aspects and outlooks of the depression. He would, in odd chapters, show the aspects that lay for everyone, not just the Joads. Stein beck often showed the prejudice and hatred for the migrants. Somewhere around the middle of the book an ?okie? family stops at a roadside 66 truck stop. They are hoping to buy some bread with the mere money they have rationed. The waitress is very bitter and tries to get rid of the man. She turns down his needs for a half a loaf of bread. her boss turns and reprimands her. The man is sold a small amount of bread for his money. The man turns to see his little boys gazing at the candy case. It eats at his stomach to know that he can?t afford to buy his boys candy. The man timidly asks if t! he candy is penny candy. The waitress replies no. The man aches. The waitress turns and states that it?s two for a penny. Smiling as they head down the road the waitress feels good about herself as the candies were a nickel a piece. The depression and all the migrant brought a lot of spite and anger. But in a few cases it also caused people to draw up a kinder side of the waitress Mae, was shown by Steinbeck. Probably the biggest act of kindness Steinbeck shows is in the end of the novel. The biggest symbols found by myself lead to the loss. Rose of Sharon Joad loses her baby before she delivers. Afterwards, as were very familiar with comes great flooding. This is where Steinbeck shows the coming generosity. Rose of Sharon breast feeds a starving stranger, saving a life. The effect on people because of the depression is shown by Steinbeck. He shows the kindness and the bitterness that came to our country. The effect comes from death and poverty just the same as any time period but the cause was much stronger- the depression.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
lock stock and two smoking bar essays
lock stock and two smoking bar essays Guy Ritchie, the director of Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, routinely uses literary and other codes, but also depends on technical, symbolic and audio codes to convey his themes in the feature film. These issues include family, repaying of debt, and gambling. The codes used also dramatise the situation Technical codes are used abundantly to create impact and to portray the theme of gambling in the scene where the protagonist enters a gambling hall to gamble on major stakes. The technical code was used by angling the camera to heighten the hall, and make it the transgressor, and the protagonist the victim. This effect is created by placing the camera at ground level, and at a distance of about thirty metres. This transforms the larger objects into monstrous objects, and the smaller objects into skinny scared objects. This dramatises the situation, and as the situation is gambling, depicts the theme of gambling to be wicked. The technical code is also employed by Ritchie to emphasise the theme of repaying dept. In the scene where two characters confront each other, where one is weedy, thin, and small, and the other is large, strong, and overweight, there is a conflict of debt. The stronger character owes the weaker character money. Despite the difference in their physique, t he weedier character is made to look aggressive, and massively masculine, and the stronger character is made to look passive, and scared. This is accomplished by Ritchie as he angles his camera from either the ground, or the ceiling; the ground to create a meaner picture, and the roof to make a more passive picture which shows the importance of paying of debt. The third instance where the technical code is utilised is in a scene where two characters are walking down a street talking. One is a father of the age of approximately 30 years, and the other is his son, who is about 10 years old. A sense of family pride is apparent, ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Amorok by Mike Oldfield
Coming from the mastermind behind Tubular Bells, comes an album title you shouldnt confuse for Ragnarok. This hour long song/album is nothing but atmosphere, instrumentals and progressive rock in general.If you all DONT know by now, I love progressive rock because of the technicality, what you can do with it, some of the stories;if any, and the atmosphere behind it all. Mike Oldfield surely gets a reward for all of the following that I mentioned. There are flowing transitions everywhere, some crazy and some relaxing sound effects and synths, and some sick instrumentals. For those of you who are well versed in Morse Code, you may want to look out especially at around the 48 minute mark. Oldfield has a message to Virgin Records telling them how much he dislikes the,label with the phrase F$k off, RB which is not exactly nessessary but The More You Know. While some of the sounds and sections get repetitive at times, you cant help but like the very soothing and sometimes hypnotic synths present within. The hour long song has arrived people, enjoy it and worship it if you will. I give this album a 9.5/10.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reasearch paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Reasearch - Research Paper Example Another controversial issue that was facing Hemingway was in regard to his sexual orientation. This is controversial because Hemingway is known to have a deep hatred to the gay people; however, scholars denote that this was with the intention of hiding his sexual orientation. This is because Hemingway is suspected to have been a gay person. It is these types of controversies and issues surrounding the life of Hemingway that could have an impact in negatively affecting his career. This paper examines the controversial manner which Hemingway was able to depict women, and why this could negatively affect his career. Ernest Hemingway is a famous and talented American writer. However, most of his critics do not feel the same. This is because of his writing style, and the various controversies that Mr. Hemingway was able to have. On most occasions, Mr. Hemingway is always compared to famous authors such as William Faulkner and Scott Fitzergerald. However, he has a very different writing style, when it is compared to these famous authors. Furthermore, Mr. Hemingway has made enormous and great contribution to the modern fiction, when he is compared to the above mentioned authors (Boon, 27). However, this assertion is debatable, mainly because he has only a handful of novels and fictions to his name. This is when compared to the above authors, who dedicated most of their lives in writing fiction and novels. Furthermore, he was very particular in regard to his writing (Bloom, 31). He did not just come up with a story, but he analyzed the story carefully, and every sentence, and word, for purposes of e nsuring that the story under consideration would serve its function, and disseminate the intended message. Furthermore, the novels that Hemingway created were following a chronological order. The impact of this order is that the novels were boring, and very typical. For
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Self education made Malcolm X one of the most influential leaders of Essay
Self education made Malcolm X one of the most influential leaders of his time - Essay Example He belonged to a Christian family where his father was a Baptist Minister and a strong supporter of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Movement. He had a tragic childhood that made him a burglar. While Malcolm X was a child, his house was set on fire one day and his family had to face constant harassment. Due to this, they migrated to Michigan where his father was murdered. His mother could not cope up with the needs of the family and the death of his father. She was finally committed to a mental institution. . [Malcolm X El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz , 2005]. Malcolm X and his siblings were send to different foster homes. [Malcolm X, 2005]. Although, he was a bright student, Malcolm X did not attain education after eighth grade. He migrated to New York were he worked as a waiter in Harlem. Later he was indulged in selling and using drugs, gambling and finally resorted to burglary. He was arrested at the age of 20 and sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. [Malcolm X, 2005] The art of self-education guided Malcolm X to become a voracious reader and enhanced his language skills. While Malcolm X was in prison, his life took a drastic turn. He transformed himself from a burglar to a great follower of Islam. He learned the existence of Ejjah Mohammed and movements of the black Muslims from his siblings who had converted to Muslims. While he was in the prison, he started writing letters and only then, he realized his poor communication skill in English . Due to his immense dedication to enhance reading and writing skills, he got himself a dictionary. He started writing all the words and their meaning in a book and read them aloud. Through this technique, he improved his vocabulary. After acquiring this skill, he could read all the books with ease. He became a voracious reader and attained vast amount of knowledge through these books about slavery and the history of black civilization throughout the world. He read about Gandhi's struggle to attain freedom in India, Abolitionist Anti Slavery society, genetics, religion and philosophy. [Burke, 2004]. Due to the art of self- education, Malcolm X became one of the most influential leaders of the blacks in the 20th century. Due to the language skills that he had acquired in the prison, Malcolm X became a great spokesperson and propagated Islam. He fought for the dignity of the blacks and rose to the position of a minister at the Nation of Islam. [Malcolm X - Black American History, a history of black people in the United States, n. d]. Later he objected to certain viewpoints of Islam and deviated from it. He went to Mecca and propagated that not all whites were devils. He returned to United States and formed the organization of Afro-American Unity. Malcolm X attained this height of success through self-education. [Carson, n. d]. Through his exemplary communication skills, which he mastered through the art of self-education, helped him become a great spokesperson. If not for this technique of education, Malcolm X would have still lived his life in the streets of New York doing petty crimes. The reading habit that he acquired in the prison was his motivating factor in understanding the various concerns faced by the blacks and propelled him to fight for their justice. Conclusion Malcolm X exemplifies the benefits that an individual attains through self -education. This technique teaches an
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Religious beliefs Essay Example for Free
Religious beliefs Essay In What Pragmatism Means, James writes that the central point of his own doctrine of truth is, in brief, that truth is one species of good, and not, as is usually supposed, a category distinct from good, and coordinate with it. Truth is the name of whatever proves itself to be good in the way of belief, and good, too, for definite, assignable reasons. Richard Rorty claims that James did not mean to give a theory of truth with this statement, and that we should not regard it as such; though other pragmatism scholars such as Susan Haak and Howard Mounce do not share an instrumentalist interpretation of James. Bruce Kuklick, (Kuklick, tells us that, â€Å"James went on to apply the pragmatic method to the epistemological problem of truth. He would seek the meaning of true by examining how the idea functioned in our lives. A belief was true, he said, if in the long run it worked for all of us, and guided us expeditiously through our semi-hospitable world. James was anxious to uncover what true beliefs amounted to in human life, what their Cash Value was, what consequences they led to. A belief was not a mental entity which somehow mysteriously corresponded to an external reality if the belief were true. Beliefs were ways of acting with reference to a precarious environment, and to say they were true was to say they guided us satisfactorily in this environment. †In this sense the pragmatic theory of truth applied Darwinian ideas in philosophy; it made survival the test of intellectual as well as biological fitness. If what was true was what worked, we can scientifically investigate religions claim to truth in the same manner. The enduring quality of religious beliefs throughout recorded history and in all cultures gave indirect support for the view that such beliefs worked. James also argued directly that such beliefs were satisfyingâ€â€they enabled us to lead fuller, richer lives and were more viable than their alternatives. Religious beliefs were expedient in human existence, just as scientific beliefs were. †William James gave a further direction to pragmatism, developing it as a theory of truth. True ideas, according to James, are useful leadings; they lead through experience in ways that provide consistency, orderliness, and predictability. John Dewey was another leading pragmatist whose influence on educational and social theory is still prevalent in American society. We learn from (American Pragmatism I), that â€Å"James elaborated his theory of pragmatism in works such as Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907) and The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to Pragmatism (1909). He considered pragmatism to be both a method for analyzing philosophic problems and a theory of truth. He also saw it as an extension of the empiricist attitude in that it turned away from abstract theory and fixed or absolute principles and toward concrete facts, actions, and relative principles. James considered philosophies to be expressions of personal temperament and developed a correlation between tough-minded and tender-minded temperaments and empiricist and rationalist positions in philosophy. Theories, he felt, are instruments that humans use to solve problems and should be judged in terms of their cash value or practical consequences for human conduct. Reference American Pragmatism I. â€Å"Pragmatism†. Adventures in Philosophy. James, William. (1902-1920). â€Å"What is Pragmatism†. The Library of America. Lecture II Kuklick, Bruce. â€Å"William James†. The Introduction to William James’s Pragmatism. Wikipedia, The Free Dictionary.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Movie Essays - Jane Campions Film of Henry Jamess The Portrait of a L
Jane Campion's Film Version of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady Jane Campion's film version of Henry James's novel, The Portrait of a Lady, offers the viewer a sexually charged narrative of a young naive American girl in Victorian era Europe. James's novel focuses on "what an exciting inward life may do for the person leading it even while it [a person's life] remains perfectly normal" (James 54). James could not or would not place into his narrative the sexual thoughts, suggestions, and actions of his characters beyond the first flush of the experience. For example, when Caspar takes Isabel into his arms and kisses her near the close of the novel, Isabel does express sexuality, but that sexuality is short lived: He glared at her a moment through the dusk, and the next instant she felt his arms about her and his lips on her lips. His kiss was like white lightening, a flash that spread, and spread again, and stayed; and it was extraordinary as if, while she took it, she felt each thing in his hard manhood that had least pleased her, each aggressive fact of his face, his figure, his presence, justified of its intense identity and made one with this act of possession. (James 636) This passage, like every other passage in the novel, that deals with male-female touching or kissing ends as it is read. James does not allow his characters to recall their sexuality. Dorothea Krook points out: "To speak of James's "treatment" of the sexual theme in The Portrait of a Lady would be virtually meaningless, but for the striking episode between Isabel and Caspar Goodwood in the very last pages of the book" (Krook 101). The sexual theme in Campion's film version of James's novel is not meaningless. Campion not only allow... .... 1881. New York: Penguin, 1986. Jones, Laura, adapt. The Portrait of a Lady. By Henry James. Dir. Jane Campion. Videocassette. PolyGram, 1997. Nadel, Alan. "The Search for Cinematic Identity and a Good Man: Jane Campion's Appropriation of James's Portrait." Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 180-183. Volpe, Edmond L. "James's Theory of Sex." Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Portrait of a Lady: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Peter Buitenhuis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Walton, Priscilla L. "Jane and James Go to the Movies: Post Colonial Portraits of a Lady." Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 187-190. Wexman, Virginia Wright. "The Portrait of a Body." Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 184-186. White, Robert. "Love, Marriage, and Divorce: The Matter of Sexuality in The Portrait of a Lady." Henry James Review 7.2-3 (1986): 59-71.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Comparision of Korean Japanese and Chinese cuisine
Cuisine Is a culture also appear in particular region by deferent types. Each types of cuisine Is unique and deserve us to cherish. As they are according to different preference, split and tradition to form. That's why we need to explore the inheritance of sullen culture. Afterwards, I will compare Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine, then find out the difference and the among them. Firstly, about the culture of Chinese cuisine. It has strong influence on a lots of Asia countries. Carbohydrates is the basic element, such as rice and noodles.Chinese people emphasize the color, smell, taste, meaning and form. As China has different region, it divide lots of styles. But the most well-known are the Cantonese cuisine, Sandhog cuisine, Jungian cuisine and Schuman cuisine. Secondly, about the culture of Japanese cuisine. It also based on rice and noodle, such as don. However, their feature is fresh fish and miss soup. Japanese cuisine tend to use the five basic condiments t o enrich the natural flavors of food. The five basic condiments are showy, sake, mall, dash and salt.There also have some combination of the culture of foreign countries. For example, Ramee come from the Chinese and curry come from the British. Thirdly, about the culture of Korean sullen. It based on rice, meat and vegetable, but their feature is spicy. Korean people are clever, they think that grilled meat is headiness, as too headiness may cause damage to body, so they use the cool food such as Chime to remove headiness. Korean cuisine mainly are light and less greasy food. About the differences. Chinese chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks and Korean chopsticks are totally different.Chinese chopsticks have flat head, Japanese chopsticks have pointed head, Korean chopsticks are made by metal. Chinese chopsticks aims to clip foods, as they have contraindication is that they can't use hopscotch to needle food, and needle food means worship their ancestors. But Japanese chopsticks alms to needle food, as they like to eat sashimi, also It Is slippery and difficult to clip It. Korean people Like to eat grilled meat, so their chopsticks are made by mental In order to prevent morph because of the heat from the charcoal stoves. It Is also convenient to wash it.About the cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine. There are a various of cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, they are fried, cooked, leavened, boiled, braised, steamed, grilled, stir, simmer and rinse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Etc. You can see that Chinese cuisine's making steps are complicated. Moreover, Chinese people are very care about the level of attainment, because it will effect the mouthful of the food. Japanese cuisine mainly are fresh ingredients, especially sea foods. For examples, sashimi and sushi. In contrast, Chinese people are not encouraged to eat raw food.Another famous types of Japanese cuisine is Sailed, It made by art. It will be decorated beautifully, but the amount Is sm all. The cooking methods of Korean cuisine mainly are barbecue and pickled, both of them hope to complement one another. Because cool food can equalize hatless food. In addition, Korean sullen Like to mixing. For examples, Bambina which means mixed rice and will put all the ingredients inside the sizzling Chinese cuisine's raw materials are diverse and complex, as China have different types of areas. They have prairie to feed animals and ocean to catch fishes.Furthermore, rice is still Chinese cuisine's main element. However, Japan and Korea have limited land area, their raw materials are more focusing but not have large varieties. As Japan is a sea island, their sea foods are abundant. But Japanese cuisine moieties may combined some foreign cuisine, so they may use some of the foreign raw materials as their raw materials, such as spaghetti. It proves that Japan is an international country. Rice is the emphasis of Korean cuisine, meat and fresh vegetable also included. Meats are for grilling.Besides, fresh vegetable for marinating Chime. That's indeed healthy. About the beverages, there also have a huge difference. Chinese main beverages are tea, Bijou and herbal drinks. Tea can deal with the problem of indigestion, such as black tea, long tea and green tea. Bijou is a white wine, and it made from rice, corn or wheat. Herbal drinks are similar as tea, but herbal drinks have medical benefits also made from medicinal herbs. Japanese main beverages are Japanese green tea, SSH ¶chiÃ'Ëœ and Sake. Japanese green tea which is made in Japan and have a positive effect on human.SSH ¶chiÃ'Ëœ is one kind of distilled wine and it made from buckwheat, wheat or rice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Etc. Sake is made from a variety of rice, so it is also a rice wine. It is common in Japanese restaurants. The best known Korean beverages are Korean beer, Yak and juju. About the Keenan beer, Korean people use rice to replace barley, so that the taste will be more sweeter ND lighter. Yak is Kor ean traditional rice wine, also is most formers one of their favorite. Juju mainly made from grain and rice. You can see that Korea has a high level of using rice as cuisine.About the etiquette of diet, Chinese, Japanese and Korean so care about it. Before having a meal, Japanese people will shout â€Å"dissimilar†to thank for the food. But Chinese people and Korean people will eat after ones elders eats. Furthermore, Japanese people like to eat noodles with slurping sound, it means appreciate for the chief. But for Chinese people and Korean people, they think it is unacceptable. Chinese people and Japanese people will use chopsticks to eat rice, however Korean people will use spoon to eat rice also but those rice into the bowl of soup.About the impact among these three countries, long time ago, China was the most influential country among East Asia. Rice and chopsticks were imported by China, so Japan and Korea absorbed this Chinese culture. Nowadays, you can see that Japan and Korea have developed their own feature of cuisine culture. Also, population grow because of the spread of the rice. The culture of Chinese cuisine encourage to cut up the food into little pieces, as they need to use hopscotch to pick up. Smaller pieces of food may be more easier to pick, also the size suits our mouth and it will cook more faster.This import to Japan and Korea, you can see most of their meal will be cut up into small pieces. It is crystal clear that Tofu and Ramee are very important to Japanese cuisine, it also imported by China. Japanese people transform these materials successfully but still keep the style of Japan. Japanese people transform tofu into egg tofu, it is more sweet and smooth. Moreover, Japanese people turn Ramee into Japanese Ramee, it is more attractive and famous than before. Additionally, Korean people like to pickle some fresh vegetable, such as cabbage and cucumber.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Answering Question Number One
Go Ahead Enterprises started as a company and made itself famous through its unique metal toys. The company was able to establish a national reputation for their product. Its strength lies in having a manufacturing plant which produces the toys. However, as competition intensified, the company thinkers decided to overhaul the system and to go for more profit. This re-invention of the company was successful but only for a time. The atmosphere changed and soon the company found itself wondering where to start again. Go Ahead Enterprises evolved from a manufacturing organization into a marketing one. This made the significant over-turn of the company, which sadly, was an unforeseen suicidal path. The company reduced its number of employees and moved to the city where it could market toys. It has stopped manufacturing its own metal toys. It sold its manufacturing plant. This decision was a critical one since the company never realized its important resource- the plant itself. Having a manufacturing plant is one key for sustainability. Plus, the company is sure that each metal toy manufactured is at its best. Quality is assured. The demands or orders for the products can be handled easily since Go Ahead Enterprises supervises its own operation. Selling the manufacturing plant was an unwise move. Losing a great deal number of people is also critical since they are the company’s best asset. Letting go of competent and trained staff or employees is a loss to the company, too. People are one great resource that brings additional investments and profit. However, cutting knowledgeable and skilled employees off from the company may also result to downfall. The company’s big bosses’ decision to source instead of manufacturing its own metal toys became a major disappointment in the long run. Go Ahead Enterprises created a niche for itself in the market. Changing the position of that niche affects the company. What Go Ahead Enterprises did was to create another niche for itself by turning into a marketing company. It used to produce metal toys under its brand name. But since the big bosses decided to make a complete overhaul, the company lost its niche as the manufacturer of metal toys. The company leaders’ decision was enough to ruin the company unintentionally. On organisational level, they have induced the change. What they failed to see is the long-term effect of that decision. They saw profits coming in like never before. But an initial success is not a guarantee of future sustainability and growth. The company leaders never saw that right and noble decisions may sometime lead to a bitter path. They should have seen the consequences first before jumping to conclusion and endanger the company’s growth, position in the market and quality of products. On the other hand, environmental factors do play a big part. Globalization floods the market with cheap products. This resulted to steeping competition and fight for consumers’ favor. Globalization made the market more diversified with more choices and alternatives. The consumers are left confused, bewildered and happy. The consumers are happy because influx of goods means affordability. They get to choose the products which suit their purse. Yet, cheap goods are sometimes made of inferior quality. Satisfaction is still an issue. There are consumers who still opt to buy branded products even if it is priced higher than the usual ones. Better to spend much than to be sorry, so they say. Go Ahead Enterprises banked on globalisation and joined the bandwagon to keep itself on top of the game. It imitated other companies which are also changing their company’s course to accommodate changes. The environmental change brought by globalization has transformed, but not necessarily improved Go Ahead Enterprises. Losing the company’s niche, its manufacturing plant and its key people brought the company lower than what it used to be. Go Ahead should have maintained its manufacturing and strengthened its niche in the market. The leaders should have come up with more strategies rather than adopting a strategic plan, which in the end, brought more harm than profit. The company must focus on its vision and keep the main thing â€Å"the main thing†(Hybels 2002). In this case, Go Ahead Enterprises' fate will be on its feet again if it will re-align its strength, assets, priorities, and focus on the main thing. It may not be money or profit but company reputation and sustainability. List of References Hybels, B. 2002, Courageous Leadership, Zondervan Publishing, Michigan.       Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Leadership of General George S. Patton essays
Leadership of General George S. Patton essays Bearing, courage, decisiveness, dependability, endurance, enthusiasm, initiative, integrity, judgment, justice, knowledge, loyalty, tact, unselfishness; the fourteen written leadership traits. This is what every JROTC cadet is taught during his or her enrollment in the program. We learn how to lead, when to lead, and the little things we should know about being a leader and better citizen. We are given tasks to complete in a certain time and a team to complete the task with. Small things, maybe big things but it all has a purpose, to train us to be better leaders. Sometimes you have to learn things not by doing but by watching and assimilating. While I was researching military history a while back when I was in about 5th grade one person stood out, General George S. Patton Jr. Patton was a strong man, straight forward, and knew how to get the job done. Sure some might say that he was a little overpowering, but he still was one of the greatest leaders. He always stayed true to his word and men and never left their side. Even though he called them cowards, maggots, and just about every insulting thing that you could tell a soldier, they still followed him. He motivated these men, gave them confidence, and boosted their morale. An example of this leadership was Pattons actions during World War II. After the disastrous American defeat at the Kasserine Pass, Gen. Eisenhower knew that a hard driver was needed to recoup American morale and to force back the Germans. Eisenhower promoted Patton to lieutenant general and put him in charge of the 2nd Corps, which had suffered the defeat. Patton's first job was to restore the morale and discipline of the dispirited troops of his new command. He set about this mission with a vengeance. He began at the bottom by mandating strict enforcement of military rules governing hygiene and attire. He wanted his men to wear their ties into battle. Also, officers in the 2nd Corps were...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Do You Approve of Khan and Mandira's Marriage Essay
Do You Approve of Khan and Mandira's Marriage - Essay Example The conflict between Khan and Mandira’s marriage begun with the death of Mandira’s son Sam. Mandira was so disheartened by the death of her son Sam to the point that she blamed her husband Rizwan for having his last name â€Å"Khan†which triggered the bullying and beating that caused her son’s death. This was highlighted in the film (youtube a) where Mandira was hysterical in the scene blaming Rizwan’s religion as the cause of Sam’s death, that he had not been a Muslim, her son would have not been beaten and still alive. There are two issues in the marriage why it was questioned whether it should be approved or not. First is the difference of religion between the two (Khan is a Muslim and Mandira is not) and second, Khan is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a type of autism that makes him socially awkward and lacking in nonverbal communication skill that makes his eligibility for marriage questionable. I approved the marriage because conside ring it otherwise meant subscribing to the stereotype against the Muslims that caused divisiveness in our society. Disapproving the marriage would mean alienating Islam, the faith of Rizwan Khan and that would fuel hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims. It would also tantamount to dismissing Islam as incompatible with other religion when we are striving religious tolerance to achieve harmony in our society. Also, the basis of marriage should be mutual love which Mandira and Khan (particularly Khan) were obviously shown to be in love with the film (Youtube a). They were happy until society’s intolerance towards the Muslim begun after the 911 attack that typecasted all Muslims to be terrorist. By approving the marriage, we are also sending the message that people can love and coexist even if they have different religions.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International business finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International business finance - Essay Example On the other hand, too high or too frequently declared cash dividends may deplete internally generated capital, compelling the company to resort to more costly external financing according to the pecking order theory. Miller and Modiligliani (1961) proposed that the value of a firm was not dependent upon its dividend policy (Azzopardi, 2004). Rather than imply that the prospects of a regular cash income are not an important motivation of shareholders to invest in a firm, it is more likely, rather that there are different preferences and investment horizons for different potential investors. Generally a type of firm or industry would tend to attract investors of a similar profile with similar investment expectation, although not to the extent that deviation from one, ideal, type of dividend policy would dissuade potential shareholders from investing. Shareholder wealth is enhanced in two ways: by capital gain through the rise in the price of the stock, and through income distribution in the form of cash dividends. The dividend discount model implies that stock valuation should rise with rising cash dividends. On the other hand, pecking order theory proposes that retention of earnings in the company allows the firm to explore new opportunities for expansion without sourcing additional capital from external, costly sources. Finally, there is the signalling theory that opines that cash dividend declarations conveys the information to investors concerning the company’s long-term sustained earnings potential (Azzopardi, 2004; Kapoor, 2006). Determinants of dividend policy formulation Despite the apparent straightforward relation between dividend policy and stock price that determines shareholder wealth, empirically the relationship between them is not clear cut. There exist conflicting factors that qualify the manner dividend policy impacts upon the firm’s value and, therefore, shareholder wealth (Malla, 2009). The market therefore tends to associate va rious factors with dividend payout, which in turn influence the manner policy makers approach the issues surrounding dividend policy formulation. It is commonly assumed that the best dividend policy is one that increases shareholder wealth by the greatest amount, since it is presumed that the objective of policy setting is to increase the wealth of its shareholders (Adefila, 1995). However, correlation studies of stock prices and dividend policy revealed a relatively loose correlation between shareholder wealth and dividend policy, leading to the conclusion that various internal and external factors affect the formulation of dividend policy, some of which may not impact positively on shareholder wealth in the short term. The studies recommend a holistic approach to the formulation of dividend policy, since shareholder wealth is not the only consideration, nor even the overriding purpose, of setting the dividend pay-out. The findings of Adefila, made two decades ago and in relation t o an emerging market, are consistent even with findings of recent studies conducted in developed markets such as the United States. Gill, Biger & Tibrewala (2010) determined that in the US setting, the particular firm’s industry is also determinative of the typical (if not optimal) dividend payout policy adopted by it. It was found that the dividend payout ratio is dependent upon the
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