Monday, December 23, 2019
Thomas Paine And America A Prophecy - 2237 Words
Thomas Paine and America a Prophecy William Blake, poet of the Romantic Era, wrote in 1793 the prophetic story America a Prophecy. The story begins with Orc breaking the chains that held him down and sexually assaulting a young woman that has been taking care of him. The woman is revealed to represent America and that she has been waiting for Orc to help her. Soon Orc and other colonies under British rule attack the Prince of Albion and King George III. Alongside Orc are historical figures such as; George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine who fight for the liberty of their country. The story ends with Orc liberating America from tyrannical rule and influencing other countries to rebel. The mention of Thomas Paine’s in the prophetic story is not coincidental, as he and Blake were involved with one another in real life. I believe that by having Thomas Paine appear in the prophecy shows the importance of Paine’s work to the American Revolution and Blake’s own political views and writing. I will analyze the text of America a Prophecy to have a better understanding of the prophetic book and then give historical context to Thomas Paine’s work and beliefs. By doing this I will finally analyze the two writers and see where Blake’s America a Prophecy, and Paine’s own work, specifically Rights of Man, agree and differ from one another. In America a Prophecy, Blake has mixed his own mythology with historical figures and events. Orc is a positive figure in Blake’sShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake Had A Strict Standard On How His Poems Should1431 Words  | 6 Pagesradical thinkers of his day, such as Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Physical and economic values Free Essays
Your Self-esteem G. How to Develop Assertiveness Physical Values This are about the tangible aspects of life: the external world as well as the state of our physical health and well-being. Such values relate to the amount of space we need to feel comfortable and the degree to which we are satisfied and fulfilled by aesthetic stimulation and material possessions. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical and economic values or any similar topic only for you Order Now These values can be seen in different ways: 1 . Clothing styles Wearing the right clothing for the proper occasion is important. However, cultural rules in other countries might be different from your own. So, our clothes say a great deal about who we are and can signal a great deal of socially important things to others, even if the impression is actually unfounded. 2. Vehicles The importance of a car to the business cannot be underestimated. Businesses dealing with any form of merchandise need reliable transport for a constant supply of goods to their business as well as delivery of goods to their clients. A car is an invaluable asset to the business that will enable faster implementation of the business process. Our careers and presentation in the society are also very important aspects in our lives and each and every activity that we do will most certainly require traveling and marketing a skill or a product. Having a car enhances your presentation and your image. However it is not only important to have one but also to maintain the car in clean polished condition in order to retain that professional image that will keep you ahead of the pack all the time. 3. Architectural preferences in the home we select to buy or rent Architects have long thought that the style of a building conveys social meanings and effects emotional experience. These convey personality traits such as friendliness, privacy and independence, social status, aesthetic sense, life style, ideas and values to others. 4. Actual health of the body Good health has a positive effect on the productivity of the employees. This will make you feel more energetic and you will be able to carry out both simple as well as strenuous tasks without pushing yourself too hard. As your mind and body is free from work pressure and mental stress, you can handle the daily chores at workplace with a positive attitude. You feel motivated to finish off the task at hand and will be interested to work on more number of things. Your mind develops a natural tendency to focus upon the positives and is not bothered much about the negatives. Physical values are about feeling physically satisfied and comfortable in our home and in our environment. Economic Values Economic values are also known as financial life values. These are about money and finances. They are unrelated to how much money we actually have. These values reflect what we think or believe about our money and financial affairs. They reflect how we value money and what it can buy or how it can grow as an investment. Financial life values may or may not be related to what we actually know about money and finance. As with any deeply held values, we might intend action to increase savings or decrease debt, but choose instead to reinforce our self-esteem on â€Å"needs†manufactured in the market place. Nearly everyone, regardless of educational level or affluence, is concerned with: 1. The sufficiency of their money. (Do I have enough? ) (How long will my money last? . The appropriateness of their financial decisions. ( Is this the right choice for me? ) The answers to those questions have different meanings for different individuals based on their financial values. Individuals less concerned about appropriateness of purchases are less likely to be prepared for financial emergencies. Those who think more about the sustainability of their money generally have a healthier bank balance. And what is â€Å"e nough†to one person can differ greatly from the enough of the person standing next to him or her. How to cite Physical and economic values, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Research Proposal Commercial/Economic Diplomacy of Small States
Question: Discuss about the Research Proposal for Commercial/Economic Diplomacy of Small States and Case of Kosovo. Answer: Introduction (Research Topic): Historically, the wise use of the countrys economic potential brought conductive potential gains. In the modern times, where the business competitions have reached its peak, the creative diplomacy that caters economic concerns, usually called the economic is gaining pace (Woolcock 2013). This commercial independence is difficult to establish for the small states or nations such as partially recognized state in Southeast Europe, Kosovo. Most small and microstates are characterized with having constraints of acute resource, diseconomies of scale; geophysical constraints; vulnerability to natural disasters; susceptibility to external shocks; constricted economic base and concentrated of exports on a narrow range of commodities and markets; dependence on foreign resources and restricted small domestic markets (Van Bergeijk 2014). In these circumstances, the need for placing greater emphasis on economic diplomacy is now universally recognized. Consideration of growth of the economy must r emain in the forefront of efforts to achieve of goal of the foreign policy. By considering economic diplomacy as one of the priorities of foreign policy, the permanent secretary of MFA, Kreshnik Gashi, stated that through the diplomacy bilaterally we will provide foreign investors because the republic of Kosovo, offers favorable business and economic environment for investments of different types. This ministry of foreign affairs of Kosovo is also mentioned large investment projects such as several numbers of projects in the field of energy, mining and telecom to growth of the commercial/economic negotiation for the future growth of the nation. In this research proposal, the researcher will discuss the research topic about the significance of the economic diplomacy of small states. The researcher will specifically concentrate the economic conditions of Kosovo, one of the disputed territory and partially recognized state of Southeast Europe. Stating the aim and the research objectives, the researcher will design the research hypothesis for conducting this research. By looking into the situational analysis about the research topic, the researcher will discuss the detailed literature by exploring secondary research in that section. Gathering all data and political and economical information, the researcher will analyze the beneficial impacts of the economic diplomacy for the development of Kosovo. Research Aim and Objective The aim of the research is to identify the potential of economic diplomacy for the economic growth of Kosovo. In this context the objectives of the research are as follows: To understand the importance of the commercial/economic diplomacy of small and developing states such as Kosovo To identify how economic diplomacy of small states can be beneficial for the development of the country To understand the current general economic plan resulted in formalization of economic diplomacy for the growth of the nation To identify unfamiliar economic conditions and Kosovos potentiality for the financial stability in the future Background and Literature Review Economic diplomacy is often defined as the process of engagement of the foreign policy, with the task of aiding and encouraging economic activities outside the state of the boundaries (Newman and Visoka 2016). According to Creusen and Lejour (2013), economic diplomacy is important for extending the interaction between domestic and international factors and deals with the political and economic concerns of the nation. However Berridge (2015) stated that economic diplomacy is also beneficial for achieving non-financial goals. Even though the area of economic diplomacy is comparatively new, the studies in this discipline are increasing. The Republic of Kosovo was the self governing unit of the federal Yugoslavia until 1989, when the nation was revoked for their autonomous status under the leadership of thee Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic (Smith, Keukeleire and Vanhoonacker 2015). During that phase, the conventional political diplomacy played a significant role during and after crisi s. Since then the economic diplomacy of Kosovo is still recognized as immature (Mamadouh et al. 2015). Even though the nation has encountered severe economic constraints, the role of the economic diplomacy in Kosovo, core to the economic security, tends to be widely ignored as it is not much prioritized (Phillips and Burns 2012). The importance of the economic diplomacy was firstly identified by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chambers of Commerce of Kosovo (Kinne 2014). In 2005 Kosovo made its foundation step for the direction of economic diplomacy by the establishment of Investment Promotion Agency in Kosovo (Keukeleire, Fonck and Mtais 2015).This was initiated for the territorys development through FDI. Once the nation get independence status in 2008, Kosovo started to work more insistently towards the integration in both financial and economic growth (Berna 2013). A year later of the independence the nation has become a full member of the World Bank, IMF and a few years later also the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development with getting support from the outside and through difficult negotiation. Now the Republic of Kosovo has built a stable democracy with the help of economic diplomacy that cannot be threatened by internal political strain. With the strength of democratic institutions, the country has been improving the overall economy and successfully creates jobs which have enabled the new government to quickly focus on its activity on immediate priorities. By engaging several foreign policies, the nations security and prosperity have become priorities which ensure that Kosovo is operating towards rightful place in the community of European nation. However, the economy of Kosovo is still in transition state and constantly finds international supports and encouragement from the influential Western power to improve the status of the developing economy. Now the government of Kosovo is still struggling to get the WTO membership. There are many economic indicators of Kosovo stated that the growth of the GDP is crucial, taking into the consideration of the global economic crisis, high inflation and the corresponding lowering FDI. However, many researchers have suggested that there are many scopes to ensure the economic growth of Kosovo in the future. Research Hypothesis: Based on the review of the literature, the researcher can develop the relevant research hypothesis to conduct the research in a most appropriate manner. H1: the potential economic diplomacy of Kosovo can be beneficial for the strategic developments of the country. H0: the potential economic diplomacy of small states does not considered as beneficial for the development of Kosovo H2: the economic diplomacy can increase Kosovos weak economy H0: the economic diplomacy does not increase Kosovos weak economy Methodology of the Research Methodology is the philosophical framework within which the research is conducted. Based upon this foundation step, the researcher will conduct this research and data will be collected and analyzed with maintaining the relevance of research aim and objectives. By the use of various techniques and tools, the researcher will conduct this process. This research would need to select an appropriate as well as a proper research design in order to identify as well as demonstrate the significance and the impact of the commercial or the economic diplomacy of Kosovo. The purpose of the research design is for exploring particular aspects of the area of research. The researcher can select three kinds of research designs such as Explanatory, exploratory as well as descriptive research design. The Descriptive design of research mainly gives the extra information regarding the topic of research. The researcher gathers information in this particular approach instead of making elaborate models or gue sses for predicting the future. Apart from that, the Exploratory Research Design demonstrates as the initial research into the theoretical or the hypothetical ideas. Hence, the researcher has generated an observation in this particular research regarding the topic of the research. In addition, the explanatory design of research is demonstrated as an attempt for connecting concepts for understanding various issues associated with this particular research. The researcher would follow the descriptive design of research for this particular research. The researcher would be able to gain a deepened understanding of the significance or the impact of commercial or economic diplomacy of small states such as Kosovo by approaching this particular research design. The researcher would also decide in this particular section the appropriate approach of gathering such data as well as information those are important for conducting this research. Hence, the Secondary data collection method would be utilized in this research to perform the entire data analysis. The secondary data collection method is necessary in order to conduct the extensive literature for this research regarding the subject of this particular research. Hence, in this secondary data collection method, the data sources would explore several books, peer-reviewed articles as well as journals regarding the significance as well as impact of the commercial or economic diplomacy of the small states like Kosovo. With the help of the data sources, the impact and the significance of the economic or commercial diplomacy of Kosovo would be discussed properly. Often, it is considered after the researcher has gathered some useful insight and understanding into the concerned impact by analyzing the secondary research. Hence, the researcher would explore the quantitative data to get the best outcomes of this research in relation to the topic. Data Collection and Research To conduct this research successfully, the relevant data and information will be collected by the use of secondary data research method (O'Leary 2013). It is relevant to gather secondary data which have already been evaluated by different perspectives of several economists, scholars, and political advisers and analysts of Kosovo. Though the term of economic diplomacy is fairly new, but apparently the research and evaluation of this concept is rapidly acknowledged in many research scholars and political journals. Thus, it would be easy for the researcher to access the impacts of the economic growth of Kosovo by exploring various quantitative resources. After gathering such data, the researcher will analyze to develop the research outcome. The quantitative data research method will set the hypothesis for determine the research outcome (Pickard 2012). Such developed hypothesis will deliver thee important and impacts of the research topic. The theme of the research will suggest whether the potential of economic diplomacy for Kosovos economic growth can be a beneficial affair as far as the development of the economic growth for the nation or not. Incorporating all these hypotheses into the quantitative data analysis method, the researcher will find the ultimate research outcome at the end of this research. Gantt chart 0-2 03-06 07 08-10 11-12 13-18 19-26 Research Activities Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks selection of Research topic Secondary data Collection Prepare Layout Literature Review Research Plan proposal Research technique selection Collection of Secondary data Data analysis Data findings conclusion Rough draft Research work submission (Source: Created by author) References: Berna, I.B., 2013. The role of European economic diplomacy in the Western Balkans. Economics, Management and Financial Markets, 8(4), p.196. Berridge, G.R., 2015. Economic and Commercial Diplomacy. In Diplomacy (pp. 210-224). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Creusen, H. and Lejour, A., 2013. Market entry and economic diplomacy. Applied Economics Letters, 20(5), pp.504-507. Keukeleire, S., Fonck, D. and Mtais, R., 2015. 13 The EUs structural diplomacy towards Kosovo. The Diplomatic System of the European Union: Evolution, Change and Challenges, 116, p.215. Kinne, B.J., 2014. Dependent diplomacy: Signaling, strategy, and prestige in the diplomatic network. International Studies Quarterly, 58(2), pp.247-259. Mamadouh, V., Meijer, A., Sidaway, J.D. and van der Wusten, H., 2015. Toward an urban geography of diplomacy: Lessons from The Hague. The Professional Geographer, 67(4), pp.564-574. Newman, E. and Visoka, G., 2016. The Foreign Policy of State Recognition: Kosovos Diplomatic Strategy to Join International Society. Foreign Policy Analysis, p.orw042. O'Leary, Z., 2013. The essential guide to doing your research project. Sage. Phillips, D.L. and Burns, N., 2012. Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and US Intervention. Mit Press. Pickard, A., 2012. Research methods in information. Facet publishing. Smith, M., Keukeleire, S. and Vanhoonacker, S. eds., 2015. The diplomatic system of the European Union: evolution, change and challenges (Vol. 116). Routledge. Van Bergeijk, P.A., 2014. Economic diplomacy and the geography of international trade. Edward Elgar Publishing. Woolcock, S., 2013. European Union economic diplomacy: the role of the EU in external economic relations. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
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