Monday, December 23, 2019
Thomas Paine And America A Prophecy - 2237 Words
Thomas Paine and America a Prophecy William Blake, poet of the Romantic Era, wrote in 1793 the prophetic story America a Prophecy. The story begins with Orc breaking the chains that held him down and sexually assaulting a young woman that has been taking care of him. The woman is revealed to represent America and that she has been waiting for Orc to help her. Soon Orc and other colonies under British rule attack the Prince of Albion and King George III. Alongside Orc are historical figures such as; George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine who fight for the liberty of their country. The story ends with Orc liberating America from tyrannical rule and influencing other countries to rebel. The mention of Thomas Paine’s in the prophetic story is not coincidental, as he and Blake were involved with one another in real life. I believe that by having Thomas Paine appear in the prophecy shows the importance of Paine’s work to the American Revolution and Blake’s own political views and writing. I will analyze the text of America a Prophecy to have a better understanding of the prophetic book and then give historical context to Thomas Paine’s work and beliefs. By doing this I will finally analyze the two writers and see where Blake’s America a Prophecy, and Paine’s own work, specifically Rights of Man, agree and differ from one another. In America a Prophecy, Blake has mixed his own mythology with historical figures and events. Orc is a positive figure in Blake’sShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake Had A Strict Standard On How His Poems Should1431 Words  | 6 Pagesradical thinkers of his day, such as Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft. 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